Prisons Care & Counselling Association

We fight for justice

Leaders of excellence in advocacy and lobbying for the transformation of the criminal justice system in Zambia


The organization is dedicated to advocacy on behalf of inmates and ex-inmates, striving to amplify their voices and promote policies and practices that support their rehabilitation and reintegration into society.


The organization upholds the value of justice, advocating for fair treatment and rehabilitation opportunities for all individuals within the correctional system.


The organization values inclusivity, welcoming diverse perspectives and stakeholders, including inmates themselves, former inmates, correctional officers, paralegals, human rights activists, and other professionals.


PRISCCA values empathy towards inmates and ex-inmates, recognizing their humanity and the importance of understanding their experiences.


PRISCCA values collaboration and partnership, recognizing that addressing the challenges within the correctional system requires the collective efforts of multiple stakeholders from various sectors.


The organization is committed to transparency in its operations and decision-making processes, ensuring accountability to its members, partners, and the broader community.

Who We Are

Our Story

Prisons Care & Counselling Association (PRISCCA) was established in 1997 at Kamfinsa State Prison by a group of prisoners led by Godfrey Malembeka, the current Executive Director. The Organisation began operations in the year 2000 and was registered as a non-governmental Organisation in the year 2002. The Organisation’s prime mandate is that of supplementing Government efforts aimed at reforming and rehabilitating inmates and correctional centers. It is a membership-based Organisation whose members include inmates themselves, former inmates, Correctional officers, Paralegals, human rights activists and other professionals. Together, these stakeholders working in partnership form a multi-sectoral response towards uplifting the Correctional community.

PRISCCA holds Annual General Meetings (AGMs) every year, bringing together all stakeholders including inmates and ex-inmates. The AGM is the most important and powerful body of the organisation. The stakeholders who convene for the AGMs are the ultimate decision-makers; they provide the organisation direction in the implementation of various projects. At the AGMs, Board Members are elected for tenure of two years. The Board is comprised of ten members who contribute different expertise and experiences towards the uplifting of inmates and ex-inmates welfare.

What We Do

Advocacy for the transformation of the criminal justice system in Zambia



How Priscca Was Born

A tapestry of an under privileged society to which many turn a blind eye, this first prisons model to ever tell the story of the inside of the close to 20,000 Zambian prisons community, the flow of events is charted in highlights that are most charming, truthful, tear- appeasing, honest and hilarious. It is one of the most appeasing to appear in the post-independence era. 

Dr. Godfrey Malembeka was incarcerated for four years and thereafter initiated the foundation of a lead prisons-based human rights civil society organization. This model, published on funding from OSISA, includes his personal tale, frankly, charmingly and emotionally told. This is an eloquent portrayal
of a little read about community in crisis. The information defiles you to put this model down once you’ve begun reading it!

-Dr. Godfrey Malembeka

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